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- ---------------------
- From version 4.0 we have integrated an arexx host into the library.
- You don't open the library as an arexx library since the library put
- up a public port for you where you can direct commands, for example:
- address "DIGNET"
- AllocNet "serial.device" 0
- The arexx functions has the same names as their library function
- fellows. This should make it easier to remember the commands.
- However, some arexx commands has a different argument line due to
- programming reasons. Please read on..
- For details on each function, please refer to the autodoc. This doc
- only lists the arexx command names and their syntax.
- '"'net'"' is net number, not an address. This apply to all the arexx
- commands. Be careful!
- Also note that many functions return the data result in RESULT so
- you must use 'options results' at the beginning of your script.
- ALSO: See arexx example in the arexx/ directory on how you can take
- benefit of the arexx host.
- --------
- AllocNet "device.name" [unit]
- Unit is optional. Note that the AllocNet arexx command does not
- return the address to the net structure, but the net number in the
- list.
- RESULT = net number or null if error
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 if error while allocating
- FreeNet '"'net'"'
- RESULT = "0" if OK
- RC = 0 if OK, 5 (WARN) if net nout found
- ReadNet '"'net'"' '"'size'"'
- size = how many bytes to read
- RESULT = buffer read (may contain binaries)
- RC = 0 is ok, 5 (WARN) is read error or net not found
- WriteNet '"'net'"' '"'size'"' "data"
- size = how many bytes to write to net
- data = the buffer to write. Try to make size equal or less
- then data buffer length
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if write error or net not found
- QueryNet '"'net'"'
- RESULT = how many bytes there are available for reading
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if net not found
- AbortNet '"'net'"'
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if error aborting net or net not found
- Timeout '"'net'"' '"'seconds'"'
- seconds = number of seconds to wait before timeout
- RESULT = number of bytes available to be read
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if net not found
- ReadString '"'net'"'
- RESULT = string just read
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if read error or net not found
- WriteString '"'net'"' "string"
- string = string to write to net
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if write error or net not found
- GetNetport '"'net'"'
- RESULT = ptr. (translated to ascii) to the real device port
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if net not found
- Note that using this function is unusual and the result may
- be wrong since the converter routine is based on word sizes.
- Consider this command to be dangerous.
- InitModem '"'net'"' "initstring"
- initstring = f.ex. "ATZ"||CR
- RESULT = modem return string (eg. "OK")
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if write error or net not found
- CallModemDT
- CallModemDP '"'net'"' '"'number'"'
- number = phone number to call (ascii) eg. "01234567"
- RESULT = connect speed or null
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if write error or net not found
- WaitModem '"'net'"'
- RESULT = connect string or null if aborted
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if net error or net not found
- NOTE: This function will not return until it get a modem call or
- gets aborted with StopWaiting !
- HangupModem '"'net'"'
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if write error or net not found
- StopWaiting '"'net'"'
- RC =
- FlushNet '"'net'"'
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if net not found
- SetBaud '"'net'"' '"'baud'"'
- baud = set new baudrate speed (f.ex. 57600)
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if net not found
- ConvertModemString '"'string'"'
- RESULT = contains new converted string (may contain binaries)
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if net not found
- GetIOmsg '"'net'"'
- RESULT = contain ascii value of address to IOmsg
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if net not found
- GetModemStatus '"'net'"'
- RESULT = 0 if offline, 1 if online
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if net not found
- GetCurrentDevice '"'net'"'
- RESULT = device name
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if net not found
- GetCurrentUnit '"'net'"'
- RESULT = unit number
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if net not found
- GetBaudrate '"'net'"'
- RESULT = current used baud rate
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if net not found
- ParseConnect "connect string"
- RESULT = contain baud rate or error text
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if net not found
- SetDefault '"'net'"'
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if net not found
- ConvertToPC "buffer/string"
- RESULT = contain new buffer (no need to free here)
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if error in text
- ConvertToAmiga "buffer/string"
- RESULT = contain new buffer (no need to free here)
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if error in text
- ObtainNet '"'net'"'
- RESULT = get ptr. to the net number '"'net'"' for shared usage
- May be null.
- RC =
- WaitText '"'net'"' "waittext"
- waittext = text to wait for, f.ex "OK" or "CONNECT" etc.
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if IO error or net not found
- NOTE: this function will not return until it get the text it waits
- for or StopWaiting is used.
- ConverseText '"'net'"' "waittext" "sendtext"
- waittext = (see WaitText)
- sendtxt = when waittext is forfilled the function will send
- this text to the modem.
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if IO error or net not found
- NOTE: this function will not return until it get the text it waits
- for or StopWaiting is used.
- CaptureTextStart '"'net'"' "filename"
- filename = path and name on file to write captured IO to.
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if file error or net not found
- CaptureTextEnd '"'net'"'
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if there was no capture active or net
- was not found
- SetParity '"'net'"' '"'mode'"'
- mode = (see includes)
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if net not found
- SetHandshake '"'net'"' '"'mode'"'
- mode = (see includes)
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if net not found
- SetStopbits '"'net'"' '"'numberofbits'"'
- numberofbits = number of stopbits, eg. 1
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if net not found
- SetBitwidth '"'net'"' '"'bitwidth'"'
- bitwidth = bitwidth per char, eg. 8 or 7
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if net not found
- [GetParity - not active in 4.0]
- [GetHandshake - not active in 4.0]
- GetStopbits '"'net'"'
- RESULT = contains number of stopbits (eg. 1 or 2)
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if net not found
- GetBitwidth '"'net'"'
- RESULT = contains bitwidth of chars (eg. 7 or 8).
- RC = 0 if ok, 5 (WARN) if net not found